domingo, 25 de octubre de 2015

lengua adicional al español y ética y valores

John Stuart Mill

(Londres, 1806 - Aviñón, Francia, 1873) Economista, lógico y filósofo británico. Hijo del también economista James Mill, fue educado de forma exclusiva por éste según los estrictos principios del Emilio de Rousseau. Dotado de una inteligencia extraordinaria, a los diez años estaba versado en griego y latín y poseía un exhaustivo conocimiento de los clásicos. A los trece años su padre le introdujo en los principios de la lógica y de la economía política, centrándose en este ámbito en la obra de Adam Smith y David Ricardo. 
Contributions to ethics
In the field of ethics, Mill defended a kind of nuanced utilitarianism which can be glimpsed in Bentham and influences that introduced a constant concern for inclusion in the common concept of "utility" satisfactions derived from the free exercise of imagination and critical awareness. On the main philosophical trends of his time, Mill was in favor of the Comte positivism and intuitionism contrary Hamilton.
Politically always she showed great enthusiasm for the democratic form of government, tempered by pessimism about the real impact on the welfare of their practice. His work on logic and methodology of science coated importance at the time, primarily through its constant search for a valid principle for the inference of general laws; the footsteps of Hume, Mill defined causality as a falsifiable empirical process he called "induction by enumeration."

He was a man more or less as tall, hair
white with gray tones slim. besides being a very kind man with half sympathetic people bald dark cafes colored eyes thin lips have a complexion half white skin is not as dark was a man who said this is better to be a insastifecho human being than a pig satisfied addition to identifying the truth so useful with helping to live and coexist

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